Sunday, February 19, 2012

Getting Gluten-Free Goodies by Brown off the ground!!!

I having been diligently working on starting my own GF bakery, which will eventually (hopefully soon) be a bakery and cafe in the local area. Hence the creation of Gluten-Free Goodies by Brown! I am currently baking in my home under the Michigan Cottage law and will be attending several farmer's markets in the Lansing to Ann Arbor area starting in March! I am specializing in gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, egg-free, and peanut-free goodies of all kinds. I will be carrying a variety of GF and then some baked goods.  I will also be able to make customized orders for those people, like us, who have multiple food allergies!  

Monday, November 21, 2011

Food Allergies and Halloween...Boo hoo :(

What I thought was a grand idea to rescue our family from another sad holiday, ended up being just a good save for this year.  I thought that instead of going from house to house and hearing our Cooper say, "Can't have this one Mom," about every piece of candy he received, we'd create a new family tradition.  Sounds like a great idea, right?  I thought so. We decided to go to the movies as a family (picture perfect in my mind) - in real life we went to the movies together, but split in to two theaters to see movies Coop and Dad preferred and another Bailey and I preferred. We then went home and talked about our movies and dined on seemed like such a success!  Until a couple days later when Cooper broke it to me gently by saying that he thinks we should still go see a movie next year or maybe we can go every other year for our tradition, but that he really wants to go trick or treating next year too. In the end, my grand idea was trumped, not just by candy cravings, but the craving to simply enjoy Halloween like everyone else. If only it were that's to next year's tradition?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our GF/Food Allergies Journey

Our journey began almost 2 years ago now, how time flies. The story begins with my tongue swelling crab cake experience...although it really began when my son Cooper was born almost 8 years ago. Cooper was diagnosed with severe asthma by the time he was 2 yrs old...he was so sick all of the time, I just knew there had to be something wrong and wouldn't stop until I had some sort of an answer. We thank God everyday for finally leading us to Dr. Natzke, our current Allergist. After meeting Dr. Natzke we found that everyone in our family had multiple food allergies- we're not just gluten free, we are gluten free and then some!  Total we have over 20+ food allergies we try to balance on a daily basis. We have learned so much over the past 2 years and are so much healthier for it!